Bb's 32 weeks old already. At most, another 8 weeks to go.
Kind of hard to believe. Time to start the shopping too!
This scan's kind of interesting.
Doc didn't give the pic though... Bb's mouth is opened. Seems to be yawning away or something. And the hands move quite a lot.
Had a hard time trying to capture a good photo-profile of him though. His hands are blocking his face! But, we finally did have a photo-profile of him.. His face look chubby! But his head-size is above average though his stomach shows he's a bit thin.
Again, Doc, gave the same advice. Rest more!
After we left, Mac was saying... I should've pre-empt Bb to pose for the photo... I went... Eerrmm... I kind of "talked" to him the nite b4. Asked him to wave & say "hello". But i guessed, i forgot the part of asking him to turn & pose for the photo..
Like real huh. Hehe...
My tummy's getting bigger. Always complain that the tummy's skin is tight. In fact, it always feel like it's going to "burst" after meals!
Mac's very happy with the tummy growth though. Each time he sees it grow, he give a silly smile... hee...
Just kenna nagged to go to bed. Zzzzzzz....
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