It's the most stuck up gynae I've come across..... And all because of the front desk...
I think the doc is ok, but the front desk, they sucks......
This is how it happens........
We were recommended by our good friend to her gynae (S C Chew). We knew it's not going to be cheap but decide to go ahead..... We were then referred to another doctor to look into some problem my wife is facing..... And finally she managed to conceive.... That's a happy news indeed!!! We were referred back to S C Chew as this doctor does not do delivery. OK, fine....
When we got back to S C Chew, we were very happy and knowing from others regarding "package" We decided to check with them.... Again and again, the gynae asked us to check with the front desk, apparently he leaves it to them..... That's where the problem started. We were told again and again that the package can only start after the blood test done from week 28 onwards..... OK we wait. Nearer that date, we checked with the front desk again and was told next visit, without any instruction.... Next visit, as Joc didn't fast, we were told that she can't do the blood test and was pushed again to the next visit..... Next visit came and we managed to get the blood test done, BUT................. we were told that the package can only start after the test result is out....... And we wait again..... Next visit, doc didn't even go thru the test result with us.... So I complain BIG time lah..... Know what, the front desk got mad that we complained and said that they entertained mainly foreigner (they earn more from them) and that there is a long long queue.... we can switch gynae if we want to...... @ 32 weeks, we do have a choice but for safety of the baby and mother, we decided to go with S C Chew...... And know what..... They mentioned that we pay now and the next visit onwards, the package will start..... that is I still have to pay for the last visit, although technically, we're on the package..... CRAP FULL OF CRAP...!!!!!!
We've decided not to recommend anyone to them and this is going to be the last time we will see them... They are so high-handed and proud that they have a long waiting list.....
Just to add on, they are also inflexible with the payment... only accept CASH!!!!! Once there's this family from Indonesian who got a refund from them, guess what, they were paid cheque.... As they are going back to Indonesian, they wanted at least a CASH Cheque so that they can immediately get the money and save the hassle of having to bank it in back in Indonesian and waiting for it to clear.... God knows how long that will take.....
So the next time you choose your gynae, do check carefully the details esp how the package works.... it's not cheap raising a child, and it's definitely not cheap during pregnancy as well!!!!
You make your own decision.......
Mad Mad Dad/Mum-to-be